active adj. 1.活动的,有活动力的;【生物学】活性的;【电学】有功的;【无线电】有源的;【物理学】放射性的。 2.有生气的,活泼的,灵敏的,敏捷的;主动的,能动的,积极的;有力的,勤勉的;【医学】有特效的。 3.现行的,活动中的;【军事】现役的。 an active demand 畅销。 an active volcano 活火山。 The market is active. 市场活跃。 active measures 积极手段。 on active service 【军事】现役,现役中的。 take an active part [interest] in 积极参加。 adv. -ly 活跃地;积极地,能动地;【语法】主动地。 n. -ness 活跃,积极性。
be active in 对…很积极; 活跃于; 积极参加; 积极于; 在......里活跃; 在……活跃
Whatever interest he might take in the matter from the point of view of sociability, he had no active voice in it . 他想,从友谊的角度看,不论他对这件事有多大兴趣,他都没有发言权。
Use the active voice and omit needless words 使用积极的语气,忽略无用的单词。
A construction or form in the active voice 主动语态结构,主动语态形式主动语态的结构或形式
Generative analysis of english passive voice expressed by active voice 英语主动表被动结构生成语法研究
" birds build nests " uses the active voice ; " nests built by birds " uses the passive voice "鸟筑巢"用主动语态; "被鸟筑的巢"用被动语态
In active voice , the doer is the subject ; in passive voice , the getter is the subject 在主动语态中,主语是施动者。在被动语态中主语是受动者。
Active voice stresses the doer ; passive voice stresses the getter . which one should you stress 主动语态强调施动者,被动语态强调受动者。你要强调的是什么
Most of the time , you ll want to write in active voice since the doer is usually the important thing 大多数时候,你需要用到主动语态,因为要强调的是施动者。
In both english and chinese , there are middles , which are different from sentences with either active voice or passive voice 摘要英、汉两种语言中都存在中动结构,一种既区别于主动句又不同于被动句的语言现象。
The choice of voices in english is related to many factors , because the alternation between the two voices , passive voice and active voice can change the focus of the sentence , and can influence the coherence or the register of the context 摘要英语语态的选择涉及多方面的因素,因为语态的变换会改变句子的语义中心、影响上下文的衔接或语域等。
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb; "`The boy threw the ball'' uses the active voice" 同义词:active,
Active voice is a grammatical voice common in many of the world's languages. It is the unmarked voice for clauses featuring a transitive verb in nominative?accusative languages, including English and most other Indo-European languages.